Friday, May 8, 2009

Movies & Theaters

I saw Star Trek last night (and I am by no means a Trekkie!), and I loved it. Great action, great story line, fantastic writing. Everything that makes me love big Summer blockbusters. This really is my favorite time of year for movies because I get to let go of reality for a couple hours for pure entertainment. No thinking, no heavy message... just great fun!

If you have a chance to see Star Trek in the theater... do... the sound and effects are incredible and deserve the attention that a theater and big screen give.

Now, before you start saying, "Tallgirl, what on Earth does any of this have to do with being tall?" Well, let me tell you, theaters are a lot like airplanes. There are good seats, and there are horrible seats when it comes to leg length. As much as everyone will say the middle seats are best, for me, the aisle is best. Why? Because over the course of 2+ hours, I may actually want to cross, uncross and re-cross my legs so my feet don't fall asleep. To do this requires more than four inches of room, and I don't know about you, but I hate to have my seat kicked, especially while enjoying a movie, so I will do everything I can to Not. Kick. The. Seat.

Some theaters that are a little more pricey have started making comfy seats with lots of leg room... but I don't always have the opportunity to attend such a theater. This, and the fact that people seem to think that a theater is a great place to ANSWER THEIR CELL PHONE, TEXT FOR TWO HOURS or have an AUDIBLE CONVERSATION with the person next to them, is the reason that we generally watch movies at home. No screaming kids, no cell phones, and plenty of leg room on my couch to stretch out.

But, some movies must be seen in the theater... such as Star Trek. So... for those movies, I'm willing to contort my body for two hours. Why? Because a good movie, with a bag of popcorn with extra butter is something that still makes me smile.

Go see a movie... and remember to thank that tall person behind you doing everything they can to not kick your seat. :-)

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