We have two dogs. I wanted a big dog, and my husband wanted a mid to small dog. I always think tall girls with big dogs look cooler. Don't ask me why, I. Just. Do. So... found a great rescue, found a German Shepherd/Lab Mix and a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix at the same rescue. They were friends, and we brought them home. I thought for sure the big dog would be my dog and the smaller dog would be my husbands dog. I. Was. Wrong.
The small dog is completely my dog, and the big dog... well, the world is just not right until Dad gets home. I mean, it's okay with me around, but when she hears his car pull up... well, forget about it. I thought this turn of events would bum me out. But it doesn't. Both dogs are great, and the littel one and I hang out... he likes to lay next to me while I type away. I train the big one to at least have that bond and my husband trains the little one. It works out.
So, now I'm a tall girl who walks a small dog. Go figure. Never thought I'd see the day.
Ha ha ha... Loving this! I so agree - Tall girls and big dogs just look awesome.. not so much with a little dog - just not quite the same. I've always had big dogs and I just can't quite imagine going small... but never say never!